Finding Mobile Shopping Apps
There are more than 300,000 apps in Apple’s iTunes Store, more than 130,000 apps available for Android-based smartphones and more than 10,000 apps available for BlackBerry. Searching for mobile shopping apps has become challenge for consumers due to the high number of apps currently available for multiple mobile platforms.
Mobile Shopping Apps In Action
It’s clear that shoppers are really receptive to finding more and more ways to use the phone to improve their shopping experience and when they have success with these mobile apps, it’s a pretty empowering feeling.
Yesterday, BMC staffer, Cindy Christian got to see some mobile shopping trends in action, up close and personal. Here’s her story:
“I was waiting in line at Joann Fabrics, and the woman behind me had her smart phone display ready with a 25% coupon. It was a better deal than my paper coupon so I asked her where she got it. From an app called Snipsnap, she said, and this was her first time using it. We both wondered how the cashier was going to scan her coupon. She didn’t know, but figured it was worth a try. (Reality check – this is a craft store with a traditional check out system – not a high- tech Apple store.)
The line was long, so we continued chatting. She told me that she had some craft ideas in her Pinterest account, and she was excited because she could use her phone to refer to them during her shopping trip. After checkout, she reported with a big smile that the cashier wasn’t able to scan the coupon, but they got her the deal by typing in the numbers from the screen.”
You can view the original article here.