Your business might not be in the “large corporation” ranks yet, however you can certainly rule the small business category by means of a well designed Mobile Marketing Strategy. The most important thing for any business is income generation. This is exactly why business owners spend most of their time researching ways to promote their products and services.
Why Small Businesses Must Commit to a Mobile Strategy
Everyone’s doing it. Google, Amazon, eBay, Dunkin Donuts, American Express… you name it.
Mobile is the place to be – and if you’re a business owner who hasn’t gone mobile yet – you’re likely missing out on a lot, including revenue and brand exposure. As Maribel Lopez of mobile market research and analyst firm, Lopez Research, told uTest, “Mobile is another Internet channel, so not being a part of it puts you noticeably absent from the commerce sphere.”
This makes it increasingly important that small businesses itching for success go mobile, as well. However, it is much easier said than done. Big brands have the resources to take their business to the mobile landscape – but small brands that lack the time and funds are likely to be hesitant, therefore diving into mobile more slowly.
Max Nison in Business Insider says going mobile for small businesses can’t be done this way. Adopting a mobile strategy for a small brand has to be a transformation, not an experiment:
“When it comes to adapting mobile and digital technology, there’s a tendency to want to do it slowly, to dip a toe in the water before committing, and change one part of a business at a time.
That’s especially true for small businesses who may be trying out many of these technologies in a business context for the first time. According to a report from Capgemini Consulting and MIT, companies that commit to digital and mobile in all of their functions significantly outperform slow adopters. The best path for small businesses isn’t to experiment with mobile. It’s to use it to transform the way they work.”
Nison recommends diving in head-first. However, there are many factors that go into adequately building a mobile presence. So how do you craft your mobile strategy? Dan Rowinski, of ReadWriteMobile, recently posted this MutualMobile infographic that helps you determine a mobile strategy that is right for you in 7 questions or less:
You can view the original article here.
If your business does not have a mobile strategy, then you could be losing market share, say experts.
Almost all web surfers today use their own mobile phones simply because of the convenience. It is very important that you partake in this highly effective method of marketing to help you reach directly out to them.