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mobile-marketing-for-businessMarketing your business using mobile phones is as good as having thousands of people in the same area wearing t-shirts advertising your business every day. Technology is moving fast and small businesses should move with it by embracing the use of Mobile Marketing to popularize their brands and increase their customer base.

Mobile Marketing to Boost Small Business

The audience or customers will consistently search for the resources that provide information about the product or service they need. Hence, marketing is one of the important factors that determine the success of any business and there are different kinds of methods and marketing strategies in promoting a business.

Now, the time has come to adopt and integrate ‘ Mobile Marketing ‘ to your marketing strategies, as it projected to unleash its potential in next two years. As per a study by Pew Internet, it was found that 55% of mobile phone users were online and 17% of them surf internet on their mobile phones. It should give you an idea how important mobile phone plays its role in marketing.

Let’s see few mobile marketing strategies that help in boosting your small business.

Create a Mobile Friendly Website

The first and important thing you need to do in the process of mobile marketing strategies is to set a mobile friendly website. Make sure your website works on all kind of operating systems used by the mobile phones users. To make sure, you could try to get access to your website on various mobiles and smartphones like Samsung and iPhone and OS such as Android and iOS.

Mobile Applications or Mobile Apps

The craze and popularity of smartphones and tablets has increased importance of mobile apps in businesses today. Therefore, build well designed mobile apps without any complexities and relevant to your business/service you provide. The reason is a mobile app is used to develop an application, for a specific purpose, which cannot be accomplished effectively through a web browser. Moreover, mobile users favor in using apps due to low usage of data and accessible easily.

Audience Interaction

Interacting with your potential audience is most important than advertising your product or service to your customers and mobile phone users. Generally, the companies building relationships with their audience and mobile phone users tend to get more business. You could interact with your customers by using the services of Group on  Facebook Places, and Foursquare and entice them to visit your website by offering discounts, making them take part in contests and deals. You could also use ‘Text Messages’ to interact with your potential audience.

Social Media

Use Facebook, YouTube and Twitter constructively that adds great value to your small business. They are not only just the sources to connect with your customers, but also expand the business or company’s visibility to your followers and new contacts. You could even ask for feedback and comments that can help in refining your services.

Provide Complete Product/Service Information

Make sure that you got total information about your product or service from model details, descriptions and reviews on your website. The number of customers is increasing, where they use their mobile phones as research tools to find reviews and compare the products and prices.

You can view the original article here.

Mobile Marketing For Small Business

This is exactly why every business must take a serious look at including Mobile Marketing to their advertising funnel. Increasing profits and expanding the access of your business can easily be done by branching out into this new-age digital method of marketing.

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